It All Begins with Joy

Photo (c) Richard Rosssan
Dear visitors,

I'm very glad that the mixture of WI works. The mixture of motivating high-quality photos, information, demonstration videos and above all the portraits of impressive fitness guys and their useful advice.

The mixture seems to work, as I have so many regular visitors. I'm very glad and grateful. Detailed information and discussion about the thousands of workout subjects can be found on many other, brilliant sites and boards. But I think, at the beginning of successful workout and sports must be: joy! Joy, passion and fun, and some goals. Goals like: "Wow, this guy looks great! I would like to have his shape. Let's see how he does it!" I'm convinced, if you work out with joy and motivation, progress will be bigger and sooner. All what we do is easier and more successful, if fun and passion are in the game.

So stay inspired and motivated for your workout by the fitness guys presented here on WI. What will you see in the upcoming posts? For example an interview with Pavel Hochman from, and pretty hard, but very successful exercises for big arms shown by Andrew Aponick from Allamericanguys. And I have a lot of more ideas and plans for WI in 2007. Thank you for visiting.

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