Matthew McAllister: From Wrestler To Bodybuilder

Matthew's development in the past years is a story of progress. It is documented by the photos (2009) above, the video (2011) and his stats below. Matthew McAllister, a 22 year old bodybuilder and former high school wrestler, competed in his first bodybuilding show when he was in high school. He won the NPC Alabama teen division as a 19 year old. In 2009 more victories followed: He won the men's open middleweight class at an NPC show in his hometown and the middleweight class at the NPC Collegiate Nationals. In this video Matthew poses at the end of his video shoot (2011) with

Matthew's Stats:
Year of Birth: 1988, Height: 5' 6"

2009: Weight: 165 lbs, Waist: 29", Chest: 42 1/2", Arms: 16", Forearms: 13", Thighs: 24", Calves: 14", Neck: 16"

2011: Weight: 174 lbs, Waist: 30", Chest: 43 1/2", Arms: 16 1/2", Forearms: 13", Thighs: 23 1/2", Calves: 14 1/2", Neck: 16"
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