Steve Firman: Working Out To Be The Best

Photos (c) NorCalBodz Photography

23 years old, height 6' 0", weight 202 lbs - That's Steve Firman from Sacramento, California, an aspiring and impressive fitness model, who says: "I am confident/determined to be the best model one can be! In the past, I never really thought of modeling as something I'd have a shot at doing. Now, I'll do whatever it takes to be the best. I've been modeling since last year, and would love to work with anyone that wants to give me a shot in the modeling/commercial/fitness industry. I'm up for anything that will get me in front of the camera and always help me to improve to becoming great! Enjoy many things in life, motorcycles/sport bikes, working out (lots!), the outdoors, rock climbing, fly fishing, camping and many other things. Easy going nice guy who just enjoys life and positive people around me."

Though Steve Firman has been modeling only since last year, his list of appearances is already pretty impressive:
-Max Muscles
-Exercise for Men Only (coming Mid 2009)
-All American Guys
-2009 Male Model Fitness Calendar
-Featured on MasterCard
-Sweat Undergear Model -
-NCB Model of The Year
-Anytime Fitness
-TopDrawer Department Store
-World Physique Magazine (Late Spring '09)

If you want to book Steve Firman,
contact NCB Model Management: (916)687-1629
or go to his profile on
Steve Firman's homepage:
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