Workout, Fashion, Underwear: Superhunk Jesse

So athletic, so handsome: Jesse has been an Allamericanguy already for more than three years, and he's definitely one of the most popular ones. His high quality photos are spread all over the net. Jesse (height: 6'1, weight: 187) is a college student from Ohio. He's an overall athletic guy with an interest in many sports, primarily basketball, soccer and football. He even considered the sport of bodybuilding, but then decided he didn't want to add too much mass to his physique.

Jesse has a very versatile look, and is seriously considering fashion and athletic modeling. He's a determined, ambitious and well rounded young man, with a good head on his shoulders.

Jesse has been modeling for AllamericanGuys, Men's Underwear Store, Chelo Publishing (Exercise for Men), and Abercrombie & Fitch.

Jesse's favorite food: Chicken & Steak
Favorite sport: Soccer/B-ball
Favorite color: Blue
Most admired body part: Abdominals

You find many high quality photos and videos with Jesse on Allamericanguys.
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