Brad Castleberry: Junior World Body

When Brad hit the Musclemania World stage last November, the crowd went crazy. A massive physique, ripped and ready for competition at just 21 years old was an amazing sight. Even backstage, the other competitors were astonished with Bradly's incredibly pumped body. But with his full muscles also comes unusual balance and symmetrical proportions. Big, round, symmetrical and conditioned - this guy's got it all.

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Now enjoy Brad in two videos. In the first video the young muscle man poses during an interview while he's preparing for the 2006 Musclemania Superbody:

Video copyright (c) AllamericanGuys

In video 2 Brad talks about natural bodybuilding and about his diet and nutrition. Then the young bodybuilder poses and flexes. The highlight: double biceps!

Video copyright (c) AllamericanGuys

Special thanks to Louis Zwick and for allowing me to post their great photos.
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