Fit At The Computer

Lifting weights in the gym is a great way to build an imposing, sculpted physique. But true fitness and health can be encouraged in everyday life, even during the time at a computer. The site published an impressive article called "18 Important Ergonomics Tips for Online Students & Workers" that explains how you stay fit and healthy when you spend many hours on your computer. The introduction of the article:

While you might not realize it, working at a computer for hours each day can take a pretty hefty toll on your body. Eye strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and lower back pain are just a few of the more common injuries associated with extended computer use, and studies have shown that sitting for hours can take a big toll on your long term health as well. So what are students and workers who must spend hours on their computers each day to do? One of the best first steps to better health (and less pain and discomfort) is to pay attention to some of the fundamentals of ergonomics. We've listed some ergonomics tips that will make your time on the computer, whether for work, school, or just for fun, more comfortable and a lot better for your body.

You find the continuation and the complete article here:
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