Toby Schuetz: Mister Athletic 2011

A buff man and a winner: German fitness model Toby Schuetz is "Mister Athletic 2011". For the first time, a new big site for fitness, bodybuilding, and nutrition, searched for the model of the year. The criterions: a ripped physique, a beautiful face, and a great charisma. The winner, Toby Schuetz, meets them all, more than any of his competitors according to the jury. Toby is 24 years old, and is in the trade in the fitness industry. Now, as Mister Athletic, he will do several photo shoots, among others for a calendar, and will appear on the muscle building drink "MuscleSizer" which is available on

Video 1: Toby tells that he trains six to seven times a week. In summer he likes to wear tank tops or just be shirtless. He is glad about getting compliments by the people. Toby :"It's a reward of the pain in the gym." At the end he poses and flexes.

Video 2: Toby demonstrates some of his most effective exercises to build washboard abdominals.

Video 3: Toby sits in a restaurant, tells that he has just eaten eight burgers (he allows himself fast food from time to time), and reveals his amazing washboard abs.

Video 4: Toby shows off his lean, ripped body.

Toby Schuetz on Facebook:
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