World Most figure Female Christy Resendes bodybuilders with Good looking Muscles pictures

World Most figure Female Christy Resendes bodybuilders with Good looking Muscles pictures

Name: Christy Resendes
Birth date: 11/20/77
Birthplace: New Bedford, MA
Current Residence: Fairhaven, MA.
Height: 5'5''
Contest Weight: 132-140
Offseason Weight: 155-165

First Bodybuilding Contest: 10/16/93 - ANBC Whaling City Bodybuilding Championships
Age: 15
Weight: 120
Placing: Women 1st Place Overall & Best Poser

Best Contest Placing(s):

I feel very fortunate that I have placed in the top five in every bodybuilding contest in which I have entered. To me this is a huge accomplishment. My last show was the 2008 Arnold Amateur Classic, I was in the light heavy class and placed 5th.
Reference Site: bodybuilders images
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