Guy Saiz: Successful Young Competitor

He has just finished his chest workout and is ready for posing. In the video below 20-year-old bodybuilder Guy Saiz introduces himself, talks about bodybuilding, and finally flexes intensely. Guy comes from the Denver, Colorado area, started competing at 17 while in high school and continues to improve with aspirations for the national stage. The video was shot for at his gym (Total Body Solutions in Brighton, Colorado) a week before he competed in the 2011 NPC Northern Colorado bodybuilding competition in Boulder, Colorado, where he took 1st in the novice heavy weight and 4th in the open light heavy weight classes.

Guy's stats:
Year of Birth: 1991, Height: 5' 9", Weight: 200 lbs, Waist: 33 1/2", Chest: 46", Arms: 17 1/2", Forearms: 15 1/2", Thighs: 26 1/2", Calves: 17", Neck: 17 1/2"
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