Amer Abdulbaki: Personal Trainer 2010

"2010 has been such an awesome road for me", Amer Abdulbaki says and beams with joy. The fitness model was chosen as Personal Trainer of the Year 2010 in World Physique Magazine. "He had impressed us with his ability to teach and inspire", the magazine constitutes its decision.

Amer is 24 years old, and lives in Toronto, Canada, where he works as a Can-Fit Pro and NASM Certified Personal Trainer (weight loss coach) for over 3 years. He has a strong background in fitness; from being a Pro-Fitness Model Competitor, to a published model, and to an Elite Athlete. Amer was interviewed by, and here are the best passages:

What made you decide to get into the fitness industry?
I always enjoyed being active, healthy, and looking and feeling my best. I was always athletic and played at an elite level in many sports. I wanted to take the knowledge and work ethic and apply it to help others achieve their goals, whilst doing what I love.

What do you feel sets you apart from all other personal trainers out there?
I am hard working, dedicated to helping people, and most of all, I’m honest and realistic with my clients. You've probably seen it yourself, the personal trainer at the gym text messaging or on a phone call while training somebody? When I’m training somebody, I treat it like anything else I do, I give them 100%. Being realistic I think is the key. If you give people false hopes, or lead them to believing they can lose 30 lbs. in 2 weeks, you are setting your client of for failure and disappointment. I love to encourage, at times I feel as though I’m not only a trainer but somewhat of a coach, in that I push people to their limits and encourage in a positive way. Another thing that really sets me apart from most trainers is that I live the lifestyle and practice what I preach. I really believe in the advice and knowledge I give to others, because I am proof that it works!

You always have to keep your clients motivated. What motivates you?
My family motivates me to be the best I can be, as well as, setting personal and career goals. Without goals I’d be on a path to nowhere. You would never hop in your car for the sake of driving with no destination in mind, right? So, why would you do that in life? When I help somebody get in better shape, mentally and physically, that motivates me.
Also, writing articles and receiving emails from people letting me know that I have educated them motivates me. When I get images published, that motivates me. I look at my life and career as a snowball effect; the more goals I achieve, the more "good" and more opportunities come my way.

What forms of exercise do you find to be the most effective to gain mass?
Basic exercises such as bench press, squats, dead-lifts, and rows will help to gain mass. You don't need to lift heavy to grow, but you do need to feel the workout and the muscle contractions to grow.

What are your strengths and weaknesses as a fitness model?
My weakness is that I love food. It's not too much the crap food that gets to me, it’s just being able to sit down sometimes with the family and enjoy a home cooked meal. Sometimes as a fitness athlete we can't do that due to diet restrictions. My strength is that I never give up! I am fortunate enough to have learned early in life to never give up and keep chasing your dream. Nobody will ever hand you anything, so you have to get out there, put in the work, and educate yourself as much as possible. I would rather spend my life chasing my dream in hopes of capturing it and never actually getting it, rather than not chasing it and wondering if I could have captured it!

The complete interview:
Photo credit: Arsenik photography, Ralph Dehaan Photography, Jason Ellis Photography

Moreover Amer is featured in the December 2010 issue of Physique Magazine:

Photo Credit: Jason Ellis Photography, Ralph Dehaan Photography

The reason for Amer's success may be expressed in one of his statements: "Without goals, I'd be on a path to nowhere. You would never hop in your car for the sake of driving with no destination in mind, right? So, why would you do that in life?"

Amer Abdulbaki's sites:
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