Jason Johnson: Bodybuilder & Wrestler

Top high school wrestler, college student, natural bodybuilder: Jason Johnson, 22 years old, was photographed by PumpingMuscle.com in the fall of 2009 a couple of weeks before he won the men's open welterweight class at the 2009 NPC Excalibur bodybuilding show in Culver City, California. Jason landed his first magazine cover in the spring of 2010.

Jason's stats:
Year of Birth: 1987 Height: 5' 5" Weight: 160 lbs Waist: 28 1/2" Chest: 42 1/2" Arms: 17" Forearms: 14" Thighs: 23 1/2" Calves: 15 1/4" Neck: 16"

In this video Jason introduces himself and poses:

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