David Savenberg: Muscles From Sweden

David Savenberg is a 20-year-old bodybuilder from Sweden whose full name is David Johansson Sävenberg. David has already built up an impressive physique and documents his development on his blog www.davidsavenberg.blogspot.com.

In his profile on Bodyspace.bodybuilding.com David Savenberg writes:

When I started: Jun, 2005

How I started: When I was 15 years old I was in a Moped accident and my meniscus was broken and had to be removed. I couldn’t play hockey for a long time and it was the same with soccer so there I was, a young kid with broken dreams. But it didn’t take long before I started to panic and wanted to train. I always knew that it was easy for me to build muscles because of my physical build compared to others on my hockey team.

Why I love it: I love bodybuilding because I feel that it’s my destiny; I have always looked up to guys with big muscles and thought that I wanted to be just like them! Now that I know what bodybuilding really is, that it’s a lifestyle with pain and suffering but also that you feel so much pride when you stand there as a winner of a competition. I feel that I don’t want to live any other life, a bodybuilder should always be proud of his/her work, winner or not. As a bodybuilder you are one of us, and we know what you’re going thru and love what you’re doing!

How I stay motivated: Right now I stay motivated just because of all the haters around me. So maybe I should thank them instead of ignoring them, haha.. I love to hear great comments about my build, both in real life but also on the internet ofc. I also stay motivated to help me not get insane about all the other things in my life like school, friends and all that!

Photos (c) Marc Spielberg
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