Muscle Celebration: 3 Years Czech Young Muscle

Congratulations! In the past three years the big fitness, bodybuilding and modeling site CzechYoungMuscle has built up many very popular stars in the field of muscle models: Jiri Borkovec, Pavel Hochman, Frantisek Huf, Jan Jankovic are only some of those big names. Now 62 models are featured on the site. You find them on over 8500 photos and in nearly 700 videoclips. Moreover the CzechYoungMuscle shop offers six original high-quality DVD´s.

And what's coming next? From now on the site posts videos in much higher quality: size 720x412 (16:9) or 720x576 (4:3). That's almost as brilliant as DVD. The section "Specials" will get new showcases dedicated to the various muscle groups of a bodybuilder. And Petr Holman, the great maker and photographer of the site, has announced even more improvements and surprises for the near future. One of them: the new official CzechYoungMuscle Blog which is already online:

Here are some of the countless highlights of the past three years on CzechYoungMuscle:

WI keeps on informing you about all new models, shootings, videos, DVDs and other news of CzechYoungMuscle.

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