Jiri Borkovec Wins Two Titles at Musclemania Universe

Jiri has succeeded in Miami: The Czech bodybuilder won the Musclemania Junior Tall class and the Junior Overall. To his Yahoo fan group Jiri:

Hi my fans!!
Thank u all for your congatulations!!! Im soooo happy I won My division and overall as well. All that hard work and dieting worth it!!! I beated 45 lbs heavier guys than me. They looked freaky but...I bet to my symetry and best shape. Big body is not everything like u saw at universe. I wanna thank all people who helped me and supported me in my way to Musclemania Universe.

Athletic-Men has posted a series of new wallpapers (see above) shot shortly before Jiri's departure to Miami. Get big Jiri on Athletic-Men!
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